How to get back old chat interface in Facebook

The script is named as Facebook-Chat-enhancer simply solve the problem of showing offline friends on Facebook sidebar chat. Once the script installed, you will be able to see all your friends who are online at the moment on chat and also there is a scroll bar in the sidebar which you can scroll up and down to see all your online friends. No more offline friends will be shown on chat.
This Script is presently available for Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox only

How to Install on Google Chrome

 » Go to this Link on Chrome

 » Click on the Install button 

 » Restart your browser and see the difference.

How to Install on Mozilla Firefox

» Install Grease Monkey Add-on on Firefox using this Link

» Install Facebook-Chat-enhancer script from here

» Restart your browser and see the difference.

If you know any best way than this feel free to share in the comments below

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